Road Tunnels Manual

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Operating instructions, minimum operating conditions, emergency plans

Every tunnel operator produces and updates written procedures (sometimes called "Operating instructions") which define the objectives and criteria of possible actions by different internal service providers, which can affect the tunnel or road. All types of operational events need be taken into consideration for the procedures, including routine incidents, serious accidents and emergencies. The "Operating instructions" contain the basic actions to be carried out with associated procedures and existing constraints.

The operator's staff also needs an emergency plan for both intervention after a road accident and technical failure of equipment in the tunnel. This plan usually meets regulatory requirements and includes operational procedures and instructions involving, at minimum, the tunnel operators and the intervention personnel in case of an incident or technical failure. The emergency intervention procedures should be coordinated with those applied by emergency and rescue services. The detailed content of this plan could be defined by national instructions or directives specific to each country and needs to be tailored to the specific technical and organizational aspects of the tunnel.

Technical Report 2007R04 defines the organisation of operation in greater detail in chapter 4  "Operating staff: tasks and facilities"

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