Road Tunnels Manual

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Safety procedures & organisational aspects

Safety procedures are meant to explain how the operational staff should apply safety measures.  

A first general level should:

  • Identify measures to be applied continuously (for example surveillance of the tunnel) and measures to be applied in certain circumstances. For instance, in case of an incident  these are generally mitigation measures, or measures to support self-rescue or emergency response actions. The incident may be traffic-related (breakdown, collision, or fire for instance) or involve staff or tunnel equipment.
  • Identify and describe the relevant circumstances in which a given measure should be applied
  • For each circumstance
    • List and prioritize the measures that should be applied and the timeline
    • Indicate the main purposes of each measure
    • Identify who is responsible for applying each measure
    • If there is more than one person involved in the decision process leading to the application of the measure:
      • Identify the decision process
      • Identify the persons involved

A more precise level explains in more detail how each measure is to be applied:

  • Description of the subtasks to be done to apply the measure, including equipment to be used
  • Identify the staff or stakeholders involved and/or impacted by the application of the measure

These safety procedures should be concise and clear, so that the persons involved in applying a safety measure have no doubt about the required actions and can act efficiently.

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