Ventilation in tunnels has two functions:
Historically, the first reason for installing ventilation systems in tunnels was the reduction of pollution levels. Although the emissions of pollutants by road vehicles have decreased dramatically over the last decades, this function is still important and must be paid close attention at the design stage. In some cases, natural ventilation due to the piston effect of moving vehicles may be sufficient to fulfil the air quality requirements in normal operation. The need for a mechanical ventilation system is assessed considering, among other factors, the length of the tunnel, traffic type (bidirectional or unidirectional) and conditions (possibility of congestion) and type of vehicles.
The same factors determine the requirements for ventilation in emergency situations, especially fire. The presence of other equipment or facilities (emergency exits for example), should also be taken into account. Natural ventilation might be sufficient in some cases, but mechanical ventilation is often required for tunnels over a few hundred meters in length.
In addition to these major aspects, environmental issues linked to ventilation, issues relating to energy consumption and the related carbon footprint need to be considered. Those are linked to the localised, concentrated discharge of polluted air from the portals and stacks. Reducing their impact on the tunnel surroundings is part of good environmental design.
The following chapters describe key aspects to be taken into consideration for a proper design and operation of ventilation systems in road tunnels.
The page on Ventilation principles presents the strategic elements that must be taken into account before making a decision concerning the choice or the design of a tunnel ventilation system.
The page on Design and dimensioning describes the main criteria to be considered for the design and sizing of ventilation systems in road tunnels, covering both normal and emergency ventilation.
The page on Control and monitoring examines some specific aspects related both to the tunnel ventilation system and the control system and SCADA.
Other aspects related to tunnel ventilation equipment can be found in the pages Ventilation and Tunnel Ventilation Systems within the page on Equipment and systems.
And last, but not least, additional considerations related to tunnel operation are given in the page on ventilation strategies . These are essential to ensure that all actions required are handled in a consistent and safe way, recognising that the level of safety provided for tunnel users is highly dependent upon the specific characteristics of the tunnel, but also depends strongly on operational procedures which need to be taken into account for each tunnel.
The design of tunnel ventilation systems aims to select the best choice in order to face the following challenges:
Taking into account the volume of air required for the dilution of pollutants as well as other factors, such as tunnel length, location, type of traffic, environmental laws, and not least, fire safety considerations, an assessment can be performed and the ventilation system can be chosen for each particular tunnel.
Many different types of ventilation systems can be identified in road tunnels including, among others, the following:
(combinations of the above systems are possible and, in some cases, unavoidable):
A description of the main characteristics of each of these systems can be found in Chapter V "Ventilation for fire and smoke control" of the 1999 PIARC report 05.05.B, Chapter 4 “Ventilation” of the PIARC report 2007 05.16.B Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control and Chapter "Classification of ventilation Systems" of 2011R02 PIARC report Road Tunnels: Operational Strategies for emergency ventilation.
Criteria and methodologies for the design and dimensioning of tunnel ventilation can be found on the page "Design and Dimensioning", which are based on the main basic ventilation principles, applicable to normal operation and fire scenarios, as described in the following sections.
The emissions of CO, particulate matter and NOx (the sum of NO and NO2) are considered the reference pollutants from internal combustion driven vehicles in road tunnels.
The required amount of fresh air for a given traffic situation in the tunnel depends on the number and type of vehicles in the tunnel, the average emission per car in this traffic and the admissible concentration for this particular emission (see PIARC report 2019 R02 Vehicle emissions and air demand for ventilation).
For those contaminants affecting human health, exposure time dependent threshold values can be imposed by jurisdictions. The pollution dosage depends on the travel time required to pass through the tunnel. In the absence of national regulations, Chapter 4 “Design and Operational pollutant values” of the PIARC report 2019 R02 PIARC report “Vehicle emissions and air demand for ventilation” recommends admissible concentration and operation (normal and maintenance) limits.
Additional information on NOx emissions and derived recommendations in relation to tunnel ventilation in road tunnels can be found in the PIARC report 2000 05.09 “Pollution by nitrogen dioxide in road tunnels”.
Moreover, for environmental reasons, the ambient air quality at tunnel portals is often required to adhere to certain thresholds of pollutants, mainly NO2. This can be achieved by portal air emissions management. The requirements for in-tunnel air quality or ambient air quality at the tunnel portals may determine, in some cases, the capacity requirements of the ventilation system.
The page on "Design and dimensioning" describes the main criteria to be considered for the design and sizing of ventilation systems in road tunnels for normal operation.
In addition, during the operation of the tunnel, the control of the ventilation system is established according to set points, generally lower than admissible concentration limit values, so tunnel ventilation is engaged prior to pollutant levels exceeding criteria. For extreme circumstances, tunnel closure threshold values that should never be exceeded are defined for safe operation of the tunnel. Further information on design of ventilation control systems can be found on the page "Control and monitoring".
An understanding of how smoke behaves during a tunnel fire is essential for every aspect of tunnel design and operation. This understanding will influence the type and sizing of ventilation system to be installed, its operation in an emergency and the response procedures that will be developed to allow operators and emergency services to safely manage the incident.
Chapter 1 "Basic principles of smoke and heat progress at the beginning of a fire" of the PIARC report 2007 05.16.B "Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control" presents details of the general behaviour of smoke and the major influences that affect its propagation in a tunnel, while Chapter 3 describes real case experiences on the influence on smoke control of tunnel ventilation operation in case of fire.
Since a tunnel can be used by different vehicles such as cars, buses, trucks, special vehicles, etc., which may have different loads (persons, non-flammable, flammable, explosives, toxic goods, etc.), possible tunnel fires may differ in terms of quantity and quality. In most cases they are relatively harmless, small tunnel fires with minor temperature and smoke development, but very dangerous tanker fires with high temperatures, enormous smoke production and the danger of explosion may occur. Therefore, it is not possible to prescribe the temperature and smoke development for every possible kind of tunnel fire.
The development and dispersal within the tunnel of smoke resulting from fires depend mainly on the following factors:
Basically it can be said that due to the heat released around the fire site, the smoke rises to the ceiling, and that it continues its flow in one direction when the longitudinal velocity is high, with or without backlayering (see the section on "Dimensioning" of the page on "Design and dimensioning") and in both directions when the longitudinal velocity is low. Thus, there should be some smoke-free space just above the road surface in the vicinity of a fire - at least for a short period of time.
Detailed information on smoke and pollutants production during real fires and large scale fire tests can be found in Section II.4 "Choice of design fires" and Section III.4 “Smoke development and dispersal of smoke in fire tests” of the 1999 PIARC report 05.05.B "Fire and Smoke control in Road Tunnels" and in Appendix 2 "Fire tests" of the 2017 R01 PIARC report "Design Fire characteristics for Road Tunnels".
Tunnel ventilation is a key element to mitigate the consequences of a fire in a tunnel. The page on "Design and dimensioning" describes the main criteria to be considered for the design and sizing of ventilation systems in road tunnels for fire scenarios.
In addition, the page on "Ventilation Strategies" provides additional information on the best operational strategies in case of fire.
A very important risk factor when dealing with fire safety in a tunnel is whether vehicles transporting dangerous goods are allowed or not. The criteria to decide when such transport should be allowed are not usually covered in the topics related to tunnel ventilation. Further information on the assessment an mitigation of the risks associated to the transport of dangerous vehicles in road tunnels can be found on the page "Hazards due to DG-transport".
The ventilation design process basically includes the choice of the type of ventilation system, the computation of the minimum acceptable capacity of the system in terms of thrust and/or flow rates, the design of the ventilation network and the selection of appropriate ventilation equipment, which should meet a number of specifications, including resistance to fire and acoustic performance.
The choice and design of a ventilation system depends on these main factors:
The page on "Ventilation principles" provides general information on the different types of ventilation systems that can be found in road tunnels.
A natural ventilation system can be very effective for the dilution of pollutants (especially for unidirectional tunnels), but it is not possible to rely upon natural ventilation for safety purposes for tunnels over a few hundred meters in length. Because of the number of contradictory design parameters, it is not possible to express universal recommendations about the limits of the natural ventilation.
In most countries, the need for a mechanical ventilation system during normal operation is assessed considering the length of the tunnel and the traffic type (bidirectional or unidirectional) and conditions (possibility of congestion). The same factors determine the requirements for ventilation in emergency situations, especially fire. The presence of other equipment or facilities, emergency exits for example, should also be taken into account.
Generally speaking, two types of ventilation strategies can be found:
In order to decide between longitudinal ventilation (LV) and transverse ventilation (STV/TV) for a given tunnel situation, these are some of the arguments:
Further information on the impact of tunnel ventilation in the overall operational costs and energy consumption can be found in the PIARC report 1999 05.06 Road Tunnels: Reduction of operating costs
Nowadays, the choice between the different ventilation system choices is mostly guided by fire safety considerations although environmental aspects are gaining importance during the decision taking process. In sections V.7 “Recommendations on longitudinal ventilation” and V.8 “Recommendations on transverse and semi-transverse ventilation” of the 1999 PIARC report 1999 05.05 "Fire and Smoke Control", relevant design criteria and description of the main limitations can be found.
PIARC report 2007 05.16 "Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control in road tunnels" analysed additional aspects related to this type of systems. Thus, section "4.4 Longitudinal ventilation" includes criteria and guidelines for the design and testing of this type of system, including considerations regarding the sound levels to be reached in the tunnel environment ("4.4.2 Sound Impact of Jet Fans in a Tunnel").
Furthermore, the design of ventilation systems has to cover other project-wide topics including availability, durability, maintainability or reliability. Some guidance and considerations on life cycle cost for ventilation systems can be found in the PIARC report 2012 R14 "Life Cycle Aspects of Electrical Road Tunnel Equipment".
The section on "Ventilation during normal operation" of the page on "Ventilation principles" presents some general background information of interest in relation to normal operation in road tunnels.
The design of a road tunnel ventilation system must consider fresh-air demand for maintaining in-tunnel air quality during normal and congested traffic operations and the control of smoke and hot gases in case of fire. The ventilation capacity to manage a fire incident frequently drives the ventilation sizing in highway and non-urban tunnels. Nevertheless, the fresh-air requirement for dilution during normal and congested operation, or special environmental constraints, can be dominant in tunnels with high traffic volumes and frequent congested traffic.
The ventilation capacity for normal operation is defined by the air demand required to dilute vehicle emissions to maintain allowable in-tunnel air quality values.
The fresh-air demand (airflow rate) is determined by the allowable increase of emission concentrations within the airflow. Air enters the tunnel environment with ambient pollutant concentrations. As this air moves through the tunnel environment, tailpipe emissions increase the pollutant concentrations. The vitiated air must then be diluted within the tunnel environment prior to reaching admissible pollutant limits. Emission concentrations within the tunnel are the product of the emission rates and the inverse of the airflow.
The required amount of fresh air for a given traffic situation in the tunnel depends on the number of cars in the tunnel, the average emission per car in this traffic and the admissible concentration for this particular emission.
Several PIARC reports dealing with the topic of design and dimensioning of tunnel ventilation for normal operation have been published during the last decades. The PIARC report 1996 05.02 “Road Tunnels: Emissions, Environment, Ventilation" defined a method for the calculation of the fresh-air demand and to provide emission rates for tunnel ventilation design, and in addition some general and specific information which may be useful when designing a longitudinal or semi-transverse ventilation system were provided.
However, due to the continual renewal of the vehicle fleet, a steady tightening of emission laws and the introduction of alternative propulsion systems (hybrid vehicles, electric cars, etc.) design emissions data required constant updating. As a result, new versions of the 1996 report were published in 2004, 2012 and the latest in 2019 (see PIARC report 2019 R02 “Vehicle emissions and air demand for ventilation”), which provide new methods for the calculation of the fresh-air demand and emission rates on an international basis.
The emission rate is a function of several factors including:
A detailed description of the method for the calculation of the emission generation rate (section 5) and the latest version of the database can be found in the 2019 emissions report. For practical purposes an electronic format excel sheet containing the emissions data can be downloaded from the PIARC virtual library.
The section on fire scenarios of the page on "Ventilation principles" presents some general background information of interest in relation to emergency scenarios in road tunnels.
The ventilation capacity required by normal operation may not be sufficient to fulfil the requirements of smoke handling. In addition, the airflow required to achieve a sufficient control of the smoke depends on the fire size.
With the objective of defining the ventilation capacity, the design fire (defined as a Heat Release Rate or HRR, in MW, as a function of time) provides the fire characteristics that are used to establish the sizing of equipment in tunnels and the scenarios to consider when developing emergency response plans.
Fig. 1: Idealized HRR curve
The choice of a design fire depends on the type of traffic allowed in the tunnel. Following the 30 MW design fire peak value recommended in the PIARC report 1999 05.05 "Fire and Smoke Control", the PIARC report 2007 05.16 "Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control” restated the previously established peak heat release rates for different types of vehicles and also discussed the fire growth in the context of emergency exits.
Lately, the PIARC report 2017 R01 "Design fire characteristics for road tunnels" gave some direction to the choice of a design fire from a life-safety perspective. The report provides information on tests and the events that have brought the topic into question and also summarises the criteria for the design fire that are currently adopted in different countries.
In addition, the report presents the different approaches currently adopted in most countries for the choice of design fires in road tunnels.
Prescriptive design involves the application of a design fire given by a code or standards which may vary depending on the traffic type, density and tunnel length and location, and the designer or authority would choose the appropriate value for a given case. Section 2.1 "Summary of practices adopted in different countries" of the PIARC Report 2017 R01 "Design fire characteristics for road tunnels" summarizes the typical design-fire assumptions used in different countries.
In a performance-based approach a process of design assessment will establish levels of risk that are acceptable. The starting point may be the prescriptive values adopted, modified in the light of mitigation measures and acceptable risk levels.
Between these two approaches, there are intermediate options that allow a degree of performance-based design on the basis of prescriptive guidance.
The influence of Fixed Fire fighting systems in the definition and choice of a design fire is discussed in the PIARC report 2016 R03 "Fixed Fire Fighting systems in road tunnels: Current practices and recommendations".
As a conclusion, an exact universal design fire cannot be specified; indeed to do so would be inconsistent with the known variability and probability of differing fire sizes in tunnels. However, once it is defined for each specific case, the ventilation capacity for fire scenarios can be accordingly evaluated, with different considerations depending on the type of ventilation system.
Longitudinal ventilation
Longitudinal ventilation systems induce a longitudinal flow along the axis of the tunnel, and this provides an efficient smoke-management system as long as the tunnel is occupied only on one side of the fire, thus assuming that traffic downstream can proceed out of the tunnel. Smoke is blown toward the unoccupied side, so that egress can be carried out in the upwind direction.
This is achieved when the longitudinal ventilation is conducted at a velocity of at least the critical velocity. Too low a velocity would result in smoke propagation upstream of the fire (i.e. back-layering).
Fig. 2 : Example of the critical velocity as a function of the heat-release rate and tunnel height
Transverse ventilation
Recent developments in semi-transverse smoke extraction, aim at limiting the smoke spread on both sides of the fire. This enables egress away from the fire on either side. This method is essential in case of rescue from a fire in a tunnel with bi-directional traffic or traffic congestion. Ideally, the extraction system should cause air to flow in the traffic space, towards the fire on both sides, as shown in the figure. This confines the smoke region and increases the efficiency of extraction.
Fig.3. Principle of confinement
Some systems employ remotely controlled dampers that enable point extraction of smoke near to the fire. The construction costs for an extract system are higher than for longitudinal systems and since the required duct size increases with the heat-release rate, a larger design fire has an impact on the resulting investment costs.
Additional information on the implications on the design fire of the smoke-management can be found in chapter 3 of the PIARC report 2017 R01 "Design fire characteristics for road tunnels".
Once the type of ventilation system has been chosen and the ventilation capacity (in terms of airflow required) is determined, dimensioning of tunnel ventilation must allow the definition of the equipment precisely to deliver the required ventilation capacity both for normal operation and fire scenarios.
In general, ventilation sizing for longitudinal ventilation consist of the calculation of the required thrust for the jet fans or Saccardo nozzles, while for transverse ventilation the size of the exhaust and/or supply ducts and the air flow, pressure and electrical power of the associated axial or centrifugal fans must be estimated.
More detailed information on the ventilation equipment characteristics can be found on the page "Tunnel Ventilation System" included on the general page on "Equipment and systems".
The following general and specific information may be useful when dimensioning a longitudinal or semi-transverse ventilation system.
Longitudinal ventilation
With the help of an air-jet placed in the tunnel air column, the air flow resistance can be overcome by converting the jet momentum into static pressure. The air jets can be placed at the tunnel entrance (Saccardo), blowing outside air into the tunnel or as ducted fans along the tunnel, each one accelerating part of the tunnel air flow.
Basic formulae were given in section IV.2 "Longitudinal ventilation" of the PIARC report 1996 05.02 “Road Tunnels: Emissions, Environment, Ventilation” for sizing jet fan systems (thrust and number) used in longitudinal ventilation for normal operation, considering many factors such as the vehicle piston effect, meteorological counterpressure, resistance of the walls, etc. Considerations in jet fan design included the influence of fire on the jet fan system, the meteorological effects at tunnel portals (mainly wind), the optimal placement of the fans, the efficiency of the fans, and the sound levels created by the fan system.
PIARC report 2007 05.16 "Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control" included additional considerations to evaluate the influence of fire on a jet fan system, providing further recommendations for fan distribution along the tunnel. Of particular interest for the dimensioning of longitudinal ventilation systems is the example calculation in section 12.3.3. "Jet Fan calculation procedure", which provides detailed information on the procedure to size longitudinal ventilation systems.
Transverse ventilation
To size a transverse ventilation system for fire scenarios, two aspects must be considered:
Basic formulae are given in section IV.3 "Semi-transverse ventilation" of the PIARC report 1996 05.02 “Road Tunnels: Emissions, Environment, Ventilation” for estimating the total pressure loss along the distribution duct and ventilation stations during normal operation.
The PIARC report 1999 05.05 "Fire and Smoke Control", provides a table (see table 2.4.3) and the relevant relationship between heat release and smoke flow rates. In addition, in section V.8 “Recommendations on transverse and semi-transverse ventilation" criteria are provided for the sizing of ventilation systems of this type, including extraction capacity, the differences between distributed or concentrated extraction systems and the influence of the fresh air supply on the behaviour of the fumes.
PIARC report 2007 05.16 "Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control" included additional considerations for the choice of the ventilation equipment (see section 12.4 “smoke dampers”).
In comparison with conventional tunnels, specific design criteria that might have a significant impact on the design of the ventilation systems have to be considered in the case of urban and complex network tunnels.
The design of urban and complex tunnel ventilation systems strongly depends, among others, on the following factors:
Further information on this topic can be found in chapter 6 of the PIARC report 2016 R19 “Road Tunnels: Complex underground road networks” and in the PIARC report 2008 R15 “Urban road tunnels - Recommendations to managers and operating bodies for design, management, operation and maintenance”.
There are two principal aims of a well-designed ventilation control system:
It is therefore important to bear in mind that the objectives of the ventilation system and the associated control system are different depending on the situation of the tunnel.
Normal operation
During a normal operating situation, the levels of pollutants in the tunnel may increase (depending on the traffic conditions and the natural ventilation of the tunnel) until it becomes necessary to activate the mechanical ventilation, in which case it can be done either automatically or manually.
In order to obtain information on the levels of pollutants, carbon monoxide and visibility sensors are usually available in the tunnel, although the installation of other types of sensors such as nitrogen oxides is becoming increasingly common.
Originally, the measurements of contaminants in the tunnel were used to perform the actions on ventilation manually. In some tunnels with a low level of supervision, these actions are implemented in the tunnel monitoring and control system that carries them out automatically through a series of predefined algorithms or sequences.
However, nowadays, most tunnels have automatic ventilation control systems whose objective is not only to guarantee the required air quality levels, but also to achieve this efficiently by minimising energy consumption and equipment maintenance needs (see section 4.3 "Actions to reduce tunnel operating costs" of the PIARC report 2017 R02 "Road Tunnel Operations: First Steps towards a sustainable approach").
Where routine ventilation is concerned, an optimal air flow rate is one that satisfies two conflicting requirements; the rate of ventilation must be sufficient to dilute the pollutants generated by the vehicles, while at the same time the air flow quantities should be as small as possible in order to reduce the energy consumption at the fans and therefore reduce running costs.
The optimisation of ventilation control for air quality considerations during normal operation is crucial to reduce energy consumption. This is an important issue since this consumption represents a significant part of the operational cost of a tunnel.
The constant adjustment of air flow to cope with the needs is a difficult problem especially in the case of long and complex tunnels where the control of the ventilating airflows can be difficult to maintain.
Chapter IV "Ventilation control" of the 2000 05.09.B. PIARC report “Pollution by nitrogen dioxide in road tunnels” report describes some of the criteria usually considered and the most common criteria.
Emergency ventilation
Emergency ventilation, on the other hand, needs fast and well-targeted interventions, short response times, and a well-defined sequence of all the operations. The objectives of incident ventilation are therefore quite different from those of normal ventilation, and economic considerations are no longer the principal concern.
In a fire situation, the actions on the ventilation are normally associated with automatic detection systems or with supervision from the control centre, which allow the triggering of the action sequences for the pre-defined ventilation. Thus, ventilation control systems are one more tool in the set of tools available to mitigate the consequences of a fire situation.
For this reason, ventilation control must be considered with a global approach that takes into account the strong link between the emergency services' action procedures, the actions of the control centre operator and the tunnel results in terms of smoke behaviour. A general discussion of the importance of taking ventilation into account in the definition of fire response plans can be found in section VIII.4.1 "Fire response planning" of the 1999 PIARC report 05.05 "Fire and Smoke Control in Road Tunnels".
The design of appropriate ventilation control scenarios for each possible fire situation is a very important part of the process: see PIARC technical report 2011 R02 "Road tunnels: Operational strategies for emergency ventilation". These scenarios can be simple, especially when the purely longitudinal strategy is applied, or involve a large number of measurement and ventilation devices in complex, transverse-ventilated tunnels or in tunnels with massive point extraction for which the control of the longitudinal airflow can be necessary.
There are numerous ways and strategies to approach the design of a fire ventilation control system which depend on multiple factors such as the degree of supervision, means of detection, ventilation strategies and the type of system.
Firstly, its design must take into account the expected evolution of the incident, the different stages that occur throughout the emergency and the influence of ventilation on the behaviour of the fumes. Although in some cases the actions on the ventilation equipment are simple and do not require complex control systems, in many cases it is necessary to take into account sophisticated criteria.
Today, the development and implementation of ventilation control systems in case of fire represents an important part of ventilation design, in which the definition of the necessary control algorithms is particularly important and it is crucial to be able to guarantee the quality and reliability of field measurements (speed and smoke detection sensors).
The chapter "Response of ventilation control systems to fire" of the PIARC technical report 2011 R02 "Road tunnels: Operational strategies for emergency ventilation" provides detailed information about the challenges and needs of control systems for ventilation management and current experiences in this field.